Behind every kid who loves to build and play with Lego’s is a mom who loves it when those Legos are appropriately put away! And by “put away,” we mean organized, stored, still accessible to our little but OFF the ground so as not to be sneaky little weapons of destruction to our bare feet. We love them for our kiddos; brain development, educational play, babysitters when we need them to be. So, finding a perfect storage system for them is the ultimate win-win. Kids get to play and learn. We get to keep things looking semi-organized and aesthetically appealing. And for the record my kids have explained that the plural of Lego is “Lego” but I just can’t do it!
We looked high and low and came up with some awesome options for Lego storage that we think every mom will appreciate. Take a look! We think you’ll love these as much as we do!
The first step to keeping Legos off the floor is to make sure they don’t get there to begin with. For us, the solution to this is a simple Multi Activity Table. There are a lot of different options for these, but we have selected the two we have personally used and found to be the most practical.
If space and a slightly higher price tag are not issues, we highly recommend this option from UTEX. It is sturdy, not too heavy, has two matching chairs, and comes in three different color options. Our favorite feature is the storage drawers. They slide easily, and are well-built but made from durable, hanging canvas to avoid bruised knees. That alone was worth the slightly higher cost for us.

On the other hand, if you are looking for something similar but less expensive, and/or something that can easily be moved around, this plastic version by Humble Crew is a great option. The cons would be that this is not as high quality as our first option, can be slightly tough to assemble, and can get knocked over fairly easily due to its light weight. However, placing the table directly against a wall will help with the tipping factor. All in all, a pretty good value for the price.

Storage and Transportation.
One thing most people forget when buying these Lego sets is that once built, the sets rarely stay assembled. As a matter of fact, that is the whole point of Lego. However, when your kiddo does want to take their Lego from room to room or place to place, it can be a challenge. We learned very fast that grocery bags rip, spilling those precious bricks everywhere, and pillow cases look like, well, pillow cases!
This is where a good carrying case will serve you well. When it comes to carrying cases, you can find countless options out there, and believe us when we say that we have probably tried most. Regardless of which option you choose, quality and durability is key. The last thing you want is for a case to rip and leave a trail of bricks throughout the airport. Yes, this happened!
Our hands-down favorite and most useful carrying case is this 4 – Piece Tote and Play Mat. This roomy tote has 3 separate color-coded compartments to keep things organized, and sturdy zippers to prevent accidental spillage. The tote itself unzips to create an instant play mat, which is not only convenient but makes clean up a breeze. Finally, when it is time to pack up and go, bunch up the mat, pour the brinks back into compartments, zip it up, and you’re on your way. Best of all, it is built by Lego, so you can be sure it is made to last!

If you are looking for a smaller, slightly less expensive option, then this Lego Storage Cinch Bucket is the way to go. It only has one compartment, no zippers and no play mat, but it’s a great option for simply moving the pieces from place to place. Of course, this also has that legendary Lego durability.

We hope this helps with making your decisions. We do not work for, nor are we sponsored by, any of the products listed. Furthermore, we offer them because we have used these products and believe in them. However, if you do decide to purchase through one of the links provided here, we will get a small kick back from Amazon, which allows us to continue to provide what we hope is quality content.